Olivia talks to the Charlie Waller Trust

In this episode, Olivia Gorvett speaks to Abigal Hirshman, the Director of Workplace at the Charlie Waller Trust. The Trust works with young people, p...

Olivia talks to The University of Oxford’s TOPIC research group

Welcome back to another episode! This time, Olivia Gorvett is joined by Dr. Polly Waite, an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, and Amy McCall...

Olivia talks to Dr. Faith Matcham about her career in digital tech and mental health

Camhs.Digital is back.. and this time we were able to record our first in person episode! You will hear Olivia Gorvett speaking to Dr Faith Matcham, a...

8: Olivia talks to Miricyl about making accessing mental health support easier

In this episode, we welcome Alex Conway and Caitlin Jilbert from Miricyl. Miricyl is developing an online platform that enables young people to access...

Our CAMHS.Digital podcast trailer!

We’ve put together a little compilation to give you an insight into some of the guests we’ve welcomed onto our podcast! We’ve spoken to leading ...

Coming up in CAMHS.Digital

We have lots to look forward to in the next couple of months in the Young People’s Advisory Group It’s been a really interesting few month...

7: Claire talks to Emma & Debbie about OCD (CO-ASSIST)

In this episode, we hear Claire Muller chatting with Emma Sowden and Debbie Robinson. Emma is a Project Researcher and Debbie is a Parent Co-Researche...

2021 for the CAMHS.Digital Advisory Group: A Year In Review

Jessica talks about her experiences running an advisory group for young people Now that we have wrapped up our last advisory group session of 2021, I ...

6: Olivia talks to the Samaritans

Call the Samaritans on 116123 free of charge at any time. Alternatively, visit https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/contact-samaritan/ to find o...

Coming up in the CAMHS.Digital Research Advisory Group!

It’s been an exciting couple of months for the CAMHS.Digital Advisory Group! We’ve settled back in after the summer and begun holding week...

An Introduction to the PPIE App!

Homirah Mullah from the CAMHS.Digital Young People's Advisory Group talks about the new Patient and Public Involvement App (PPIE)!...

Lucy talks to Steve Furber

This Manchester supercomputer imitates your brain! Professor Steve Furber, creator of SpiNNaker, talks about the machine and other examples of biology...

Blog by Lucy Porte

Taking things intern – 4 weeks on the software development team I was recently lucky enough to spend a month of my summer working on the Digital Hea...

4: Homirah talks to Jenni Jardine

Dr Jenni Jardine (a CAMHS Psychologist and former CAMHS.Digital researcher) is interviewed by Homirah. Sound from Zapsplat.com...

3: Olivia talks to Rory Byrne

In this episode we hear Olivia Gorvett, an Undergraduate Psychology student, chatting with Rory Byrne. Rory is a Postdoctoral User-Researcher working ...

CAMHS.Digital Research Advisory Group

Our online meetups run every Wednesday 4-5PM! See the topics of our previous sessions on this post to get an idea of what we have previously covered, ...

Points of Light Award

We are delighted to share that Montgomery (Monty) Lord, who is an active member of your Young Persons Advisory Group, was presented with a Points of L...

2: Kavita talks to Paul Smitton

We meet with Paul, a software engineer within the Digital Health Software team at the University of Manchester. We discuss the processes behind therap...

1: CAMHS.Digital interviews Charlie Stockton Powdrell

Finding out more about the lives of everyone around us, from the professionals within digital health and mental health. Find us on social media: Insta...

macbook pro displaying group of people

CAMHS.Digital Research Advisory Group

Every Wednesday 4-5PM! Online meetups (email- camhs.digital@gmail.com for link) Next session: 21st October 4-5pm: 1) Show casing our creative animatio...

macbook pro on brown wooden table

Blog by Ayma Masood

Biomedical Science student at University of Manchester 2020 is definitely a year we won’t forget. Things we never even imagined could happen have be...

person holding black iphone 5

Lock down Life!

.…by Emma – CAMHS Research Advisory Member (22 years) “Everything is so strange at the moment, everything is confusing, everything i...

woman in green orange and yellow dress standing near window

Covid-19 and Young People’s Wellbeing

Online Digital Meetings Are you aged between 13-25 years? Want to know more about what is happening across Greater Manchester for Children and Young P...

Covid-19. Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources for Children and Young People.

A guide to supporting young people’s mental health: https://www.annafreud.org/what-we-do/anna-freud-learning-network/coronavirus/ A guide to sel...

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!

2019 has been a busy year for CAMHS.Digital! We launched our Seminar Series, started our first digital research project in 2 schools in Greater Manche...

mSoothebox project update!

During the last 12 months, CAMHS.Digital & Sparta Digital have worked with children & young people to co-design a self-harm self-management mo...

Volunteer as a ‘Citizen Researcher’

CAMHS.Digital are excited to offer children and young people (13-25 yrs) the chance to get involved in our work and join us as Citizen Researchers! Wo...

mSootheBox project extended- update from Workshop 4

This week we joined the Health Action Champions group at the Greater Manchester Youth Network to run a mSootheBox workshop. We presented the aims of t...

mSootheBox – An update from Workshop 3!

Yesterday, we held the third workshop to design mSootheBox – our new Augmented Reality (AR) app based on the use of safe distraction techniques, whi...

Are you aged 16-25? Get involved!

Are you aged 16-25 and keen to make a difference to young people’s mental health? If so, CAMHS.Digital are thrilled to offer you the chance to get i...

mSootheBox – An update from Workshop 2!

We recently held the second workshop to design mSootheBox – our new Augmented Reality (AR) app based on the use of safe distraction techniques, ...

Are you aged 16-25? Get involved!

Are you aged 16-25 and keen to make a difference to young people’s mental health? If so, CAMHS.Digital are thrilled to offer you the chance to get i...

mSootheBox – An update from Workshop 1!

Yesterday, we held our first workshop with young people to design mSootheBox – a new Augmented Reality (AR) app to help young people who self-harm. ...

Are you aged 16-25? Get involved!

Are you aged 16-25 and keen to make a difference to young people’s mental health? If so, CAMHS.Digital are thrilled to offer you the chance to get i...

Youth Mental Health Matters Conference

CAMHS.Digital were delighted to attend Youth Mental Health Matters (YMHM) annual conference on Friday 5th October. Youth Mental Health Matters is a ch...

Wellcome Trust funding granted for mSootheBox app!

We are excited to announce that we have been granted funding from the Wellcome Trust iTPA ‘Access to Expertise’ Award, meaning that we will begin ...

Researcher Links Workshop – Xi’an, China

In June 2018, CAMHS.Digital was thrilled to be represented by Dr Pauline Whelan at the UK-China Newton Fund Researcher Links Workshop in Xi’an, Chin...