Get Involved

As a research unit, we are enthusiastic about getting as much involvement from members of the public as possible. There are several ways you can do this

If you are a young person aged between 16 and 24 and are interested in digital mental health, we would love to hear from you! Our Young People’s Advisory Group has been developed so that we can involve young people in research at every point across a project’s lifespan. Read more about it here. Contact Heidi (the group facilitator) to hear all the latest news, as well as details of how you can join our workshops!

If you are interested in wider aspects of our research, we can be contacted through our email address:

We also regularly update our social media channels with our research activity, events we are involved or interested in and dissemination activity. Opportunities for research involvement is regularly tweeted here, and our Instagram page celebrates all the contributions of our volunteers, team and stakeholders (@GM_DigitalRU).

Project Participation

At the moment there are no patient and public involvement opportunities in our research projects.

Keep checking back for future participation opportunities!