Lumi Nova: An Implementation Study


Socio-economic disadvantage has been linked to increased mental health difficulties in CYP with strong links to increased prevalence of adverse childhood experiences. This study aims to understand the barriers to playing Lumi Nova amongst the most economically disadvantaged children in Greater Manchester, and use the findings to improve Lumi Nova, so it is more helpful for these children.

Lumi Nova: Tales of Courage

Lumi Nova: Tales of Courage is a therapeutic mobile game app, developed by BfB Labs that provides instant access to therapeutic ‘best practice’ by facilitating graded exposures (the main active ingredient of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – NICE recommended gold standard for treating anxiety disorders) to enable children (aged 7-12) to self-manage their fears and worries.

The app was launched in Sep 2020, and it is currently used by NHS organisations and voluntary sector front line providers. It provides age-appropriate, non-stigmatising and aims to promote self-management through real time progress updates & outcomes data for professionals/practitioners

Lumi Nova: Tales of Courage Trailer by BfB Labs

The project so far…

The project team are aiming to recruit 120 children and young people to play Lumi Nova for a period of up to 8-weeks. So far over 80 children and young people have been recruited!

Interviews are taking place with children and young people, parents and guardians, and practitioners who have been involved in the project. During interviews, participants are asked about their experiences of being involved in the project and playing Lumi Nova.

Data obtained from the app are also being analysed by a statistician.

We are in the process of writing a paper to summarise the findings of the project.

Watch this space for more information about this!