Online Digital Meetings
Are you aged between 13-25 years? Want to know more about what is happening across Greater Manchester for Children and Young People’s mental health and wellbeing in response to COVID-19?
Join us every Wednesday 4-5pm via Zoom online meeting:
Next one: Wednesday 1st April 2020 4-5pm
Zoom meeting link:
Meeting ID: 510 688 563

Dr Cara Afzal: Senior Programme Development Lead
Health Innovation Manchester (HInM)
Cara is passionate about transforming healthcare using data & digital. Cara is leading on Covid and mental health for Health Innovation Manchester and will be talking to us about the new developments to support young people.
Alan Ford: Greater Manchester Children and Young People’s Mental Health Commissioning Lead, Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership.
Al will be speaking about wider developments across Greater Manchester to help with children and young people’s emotional wellbeing throughout this pandemic. Al will be able to provide an overview of GM’s response and helpful resources.
Lauren Barclay, Youth Mental Health Matters

Lauren is the Founder of this mental health charity and sits on many boards across Greater Manchester giving a youth voice in Mental Health services. She is also a Young Advisor for Young Minds. Lauren will be sharing her top tips on how to keep well during Covid-19 and answer any questions other young people may have.
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