EN-CAMHS 2 Receives the go ahead for Work Package 1!

We are hugely excited to announce that EN-CAMHS 2 has received the go ahead for Work Package 1 (WP1). This stage of the EN-CAMHS 2 process looks at beginning to develop the digital tool we realised was needed from the finding in EN-CAMHS. To do this we were looking at creating focus groups that will have different groups of people who was stakeholders in the referral process for CAMHS. Some of these groups include children and young people, people who might refer to CAMHS, parents of children and young people and also practitioners from CAMHS themselves.

It’s exciting to announce that we’re beginning that stage! Click here to look at our advertisement page and see if you’re able to take part. As well as this we’re going to be looking at doing roundtable groups as part of this from commissioning groups and other people involved in commissioning. It is a privilege to be able to get the voices of the people who are directly affected by the referral process heard!

Keep up to date with our blog as well as our page on EN-CAMHS 2 to see any updates that come from this study and the focus groups and the later work packages as well

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